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The Duopoly of CPU Manufacturers: Unveiling Intel and AMD's Dominance

Jun 10, 2024
In the realm of computing, the CPU (Central Processing Unit) acts as the brain, handling all computations and commands. From powering on a computer to running software, browsing the internet, or even getting immersed in a game, the CPU operates in silence. Surprisingly, only two companies dominate the market for computer CPUs: Intel and AMD. Let's delve into their story.

Intel Corporation, simply known as Intel, holds the title of the world’s leading semiconductor company and the foremost supplier of CPUs for personal computers. According to 2020 statistics, Intel's grip on the global PC market was a staggering 83%. On the other hand, Advanced Micro Devices, or AMD, is a US-based semiconductor company that manufactures computer processors among other technologies. Although AMD doesn’t command as substantial a market share as Intel, its products offer a competitive blend of performance and affordability, making them a favorite among consumers.

One might wonder if there are any alternative CPU manufacturers beyond Intel and AMD. Indeed, there are. Take IBM and ARM, for instance. IBM stands as a globally recognized tech giant whose Power series processors have made their mark in mainframes and supercomputers. In contrast, ARM specializes in microprocessors that equip smartphones, tablets, and other portable gizmos.

Nevertheless, despite these players, Intel and AMD uphold their position at the forefront of the market. Their products boast powerful capabilities and cater to diverse consumer needs through an extensive range of product lines. Both companies leverage their wealth of experience and robust research and development capabilities to consistently roll out innovative products and technologies.
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