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Two Divorces Down, I Finally Grasped What Tears a Marriage Apart

Mar 22, 2024
Journeying through life's winding path, I've navigated the heartache of two divorces—each an excruciating lesson that deepened my understanding of marriage's intricate tapestry and its delicate balance. Now, looking back, those heart-wrenching moments have transformed into invaluable teachings about the pitfalls that can unravel a union.

Our first marriage crumbled when both my ex-husband and I were youthful and brimming with vigor, our vision of matrimony steeped in romance and idealism. In love's embrace, we each became the center of the other's world. Yet, when marital discord struck, we floundered in communication and compromise. I was resolutely defensive of my stances, convinced of their righteousness, just as my ex was immovably obstinate. Amidst our relentless bickering, affection waned until we teetered on the brink of collapse. Psychologist John Gottman's research underscores that personal growth is pivotal for nurturing a robust marriage.

Entering my second marriage, I believed I had matured, more adept at managing marital dynamics. Alas, reality delivered a stinging slap to my face. My second husband and I were poles apart in temperament and lifestyle. Tranquility and literature were my sanctuary, while he thrived on socializing and vibrancy. Initially, we mutually tolerated these discrepancies, but over time, they burgeoned into an unscalable rift. Our attempts to remold one another only led to mutual exhaustion and, ultimately, the dissolution of our union. The American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists identifies poor communication as a leading cause of relationship breakdown.

Reflecting on these failed marriages, it's clear to me that it's not the seemingly grave disputes that demolish a marriage but rather our approach and attitude towards it. We expect our partners to conform to our visions, forgetting that marriage is a collaborative journey requiring adaptability and concession. We aim to alter one another, neglecting that self-transformation is intrinsic to the marital bond. Indeed, statistics suggest that poor communication and lack of understanding significantly contribute to marital failure. Sociologist Sharon Haidt has noted that emotional and sexual fulfillment play a crucial role in a marriage's stability. Many couples, confronted with clashes, choose avoidance or cold war over open dialogue, a practice that exacerbates conflict and precipitates the end of the union.

Moreover, personal evolution is a key determinant of a marriage's longevity. As time marches on, we each undergo various life stages and growth trajectories, potentially altering our values, interests, hobbies, and habits. If spouses fail to accommodate these shifts and grow together, the marriage is unlikely to endure. Of course, I've come to realize that marriage isn't effortless—it demands learning, dedication, and investment. Yet, it's these very experiences that have taught me to cherish life more profoundly and grasp the essence of true matrimony. I believe that in the chapters yet to be written, I will strive with renewed vigor to foster my marriage, ensuring it blooms into something ever more beautiful and joyous.
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