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Why Do Appliances Break Down After Being Unused for a Long Time?

Apr 12, 2024
In the fast-paced world of home electronics, some appliances are often left unused and forgotten in the corner. When we finally decide to dust them off and power them up, they seem to fail almost instantly. What's the science behind this? Let's unravel the mystery.

Whether it's a TV, refrigerator, or air conditioner, these devices share a common heart – the circuit board. This board is dotted with an array of electronic components that must work harmoniously like a well-rehearsed orchestra to produce a seamless performance. When left idle for extended periods, these orchestral players start to "miss their cues."

Capacitors act as energy reservoirs for appliances, ready to discharge when needed. However, prolonged inactivity can lead to the slow evaporation of the electrolyte inside, resulting in reduced capacitance or even total failure. Upon activation, if the capacitor can't perform its role, the entire circuit's power supply is compromised, preventing the appliance from starting correctly.

Many devices rely on internal batteries to retain clock settings or save user preferences. Over time, these batteries naturally self-discharge, leading to diminished power. A complete drain might cause the CMOS chip on the board to lose its memory, resetting the appliance to factory defaults or preventing it from starting altogether. Mechanical elements also play a crucial role; components like fans and motors can suffer from dried-out lubricants, rust, or seized bearings after long periods of inactivity, hindering proper function upon power-up.

Humidity poses a significant threat to electronics. Dampness can erode the circuit board, impairing insulation between parts and potentially causing short circuits. The anticipation of a working appliance can be dashed by a faint buzz and then silence. Besides these issues, long-standing appliances can fall prey to dust accumulation, pest infestations, and other factors that wreak havoc upon restart.

Confronting these challenges, what's our game plan? Regularly 'exercise' your appliances by powering them up to keep components and mechanics active. Additionally, ensure your storage environment is dry and well-ventilated to ward off moisture and dust. Lastly, if you're unsure about an appliance's condition, seek professional assistance for inspection and maintenance.

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