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When is the Best Time to Reboot Your Router?

Jul 22, 2024
As our digital gateway to the internet, routers play a crucial role in transmitting and distributing data. Over time, prolonged operation can lead to cache buildup and software conflicts, impeding network performance. Periodic reboots can clear caches, resolve software glitches, and enhance both speed and reliability of your connection.

According to networking experts, a router's efficiency starts to wane after running continuously for over 48 hours. This occurs because long-term usage generates numerous temporary files and caches, escalating memory use and slowing down data transmission rates. Additionally, router software might encounter conflicts or bugs, further degrading network quality.

Experts suggest that rebooting your router once a week strikes the ideal balance. This schedule effectively wipes the cache and addresses software issues without significantly disrupting your regular internet activities. However, if you are a heavy internet user or frequently encounter connectivity issues, consider resetting your router every three days.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to rebooting your router:

Power off: Locate the power button on your router and press it down for a few seconds until the device fully shuts down.

Brief pause: Wait for about 30 seconds to ensure the router has completely powered off.

Power on: Press the power button again and wait until the router boots up completely.

Reconnect: Allow a few minutes for the router to re-establish an internet connection.

Before restarting your router, it's wise to backup any critical data just in case. If you're not comfortable with router settings and operations, seeking advice from a professional or referring to a manual can be helpful.
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