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What's the reason the computer keeps buzzing?

Jul 22, 2024
The buzz caused by the fan, the cooling fan inside the computer is the main cause of the buzz. When the fan rotates, it will drive the air flow and produce noise. If the bearing of the fan lacks lubricating oil, the resistance will increase when rotating, and the noise will be larger.

To add lubricant to the fan, open the case of the computer, find the bearing of the cooling fan, and put in a few drops of lubricant. Please be careful not to overdo it so as not to cause leaks. You can also replace the cooling fan with less noise.

After the computer is used for a period of time, the fan will accumulate a lot of dust, which will not only affect the heat dissipation effect, but also lead to the fan not running smoothly, thus issuing a buzzing sound. About 30 percent of computer users each year need to clean their fans because of this problem.

The service life of the fan is generally about 2-3 years, if more than this time, the fan may emit a buzzing sound because of wear. According to statistics, more than 40% of computer users worldwide report that their computers have had such problems.

The disk is buzzing. Read and write operations on the disk are another cause of the buzz. When we read and write operations on the computer, the hard disk will spin at high speed, creating noise. Abnormal noise is also generated if the hard disk has bad sectors or is damaged.

Check whether the hard disk has bad sectors or is damaged. You can use a professional hard disk inspection tool to detect. If there are bad sectors or damage, you can use the backup data or restore it. It is also possible to reduce hard disk reads and writes by optimizing your computer's system Settings.

Power supply caused by the hum, the power supply is an important part of the computer, if the quality of the power supply is not good or failure, it will cause the hum.

Check whether the power supply works properly. You can detect this by looking at the power indicator or using a professional tool. If the power supply is faulty, replace it with a high-quality power supply.
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