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Is Your Printer Emitting Radiation?

Jun 7, 2024
Printers primarily come in two varieties: inkjet and laser. Inkjet printers operate by spraying ink onto paper to form words and images, whereas laser printers work by adhering powder to paper with a laser beam. Regardless of their type, these devices do not emit electromagnetic radiation.

Why then, might one worry about radiation from a printer? The concern often stems from the fact that printers must communicate data with computers, and since both the computer tower and monitor are electronic devices, they produce electromagnetic radiation. However, this radiation is weak and has minimal impact on the human body. To offer a clearer picture of a printer's radiation levels, we conducted several experiments and measurements. According to international standards, the limit for electromagnetic radiation from computer towers and monitors is set at 0.5 watts/kg. We put both a common inkjet and a laser printer to the test.

Under normal working circumstances, the electromagnetic radiation level of inkjet printers measures a mere 0.01 watts/kg—substantially lower than the limits set for computer towers and monitors. This means that using an inkjet printer allows you to stay in close proximity without worrying about radiation. Laser printers also exhibit low levels of electromagnetic radiation, at only 0.02 watts/kg, significantly below the computer tower and monitor threshold, making it safe to remain in close contact while operating a laser printer.

While the radiation levels from printers are extremely low, if you remain anxious about radiation exposure, there are steps you can take to minimize its effects. One such step is maintaining some distance from the printer, especially during the printing process, to lessen your exposure. Regularly ventilating the room where the printer is used by opening windows can also help diminish electromagnetic radiation levels. When purchasing a printer, opting for models known for low radiation emissions is advisable; some manufacturers have even rolled out low-radiation printers designed to better safeguard your health.
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