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The Pros and Cons of Downdraft vs. Updraft Range Hoods in Modern Kitchen Design

Jul 18, 2024
In contemporary kitchen design, the range hood has become an essential component. However, with a plethora of range hood options available on the market, one might find themselves overwhelmed with choices. So, which is superior - the downdraft or updraft range hood? Let's delve into this conundrum.

Firstly, let's examine the downdraft range hood. This type of range hood is installed above the cooktop and utilizes powerful suction to draw in the fumes produced during cooking, subsequently venting them outdoors via a duct. According to research conducted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), downdraft range hoods generally possess stronger suction capabilities compared to updraft range hoods, enabling more efficient removal of oil fumes. Due to its proximity to the cooktop, it can respond more swiftly to the generation of oil fumes and mitigate their spread throughout the kitchen.

Nonetheless, the downdraft range hood also presents certain drawbacks. Its low-profile installation may obstruct the cooking line of sight. If there is limited space above the cooktop, installing a downdraft range hood may not be feasible. Additionally, the noise level of downdraft range hoods is typically higher than that of updraft models.

Now, let's shift our focus to the updraft range hood. This variant is mounted on the wall or ceiling above the cooktop, channeling fumes into the unit through a duct before expelling them outside. As per a study undertaken by the Building Research Establishment (BRE) in the UK, updraft range hoods are generally quieter than their downdraft counterparts, making them more suitable for environments where silence is prioritized. Owing to its elevated installation point, it neither hinders the cooking line of sight nor occupies space above the cooktop.

However, the updraft range hood is not without its shortcomings. Its higher installation position may result in delayed fume extraction into the unit. Should the kitchen layout not be amenable to an updraft range hood installation, additional modifications might be warranted. Although less noisy, the suction power of updraft range hoods is often inferior to that of downdraft models.
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